Sunday, December 2, 2012

Initial Reasons

Why I want to take these steps to get to a healthy weight this time:

1. Me and the gf want to have a baby in the next five years. I want to be the one to carry the kid. I want to be at a healthy weight going into it.

2. I had another episode with my back (not quite as bad as before). I want to finish losing the weight to take strain off of my lower back.

3. I want to do all within my power to lead a healthy and long life.  I want the quality of life to be high and I want to be super active.

4. I want to feel like my gf and I look good together.

5. I want to climb mountains and hike a lot again this summer.

Week 1

Challenges this week.

For some reason despite working out and eating healthy in healthy/proper proportions I have actually gained two pounds from last week?! (WTF) This would be way discouraging if I did not already feel good results in my clothing and I did some drinking this weekend so it is possible that it is bloat... :(

Successes this week.

1. I joined the gym on Monday and have worked out 4 times. I will be going again today as soon as I get a few chores done.

2.I already look better and can feel a difference in my clothes.

3. I come home from the gym and feel a marked emotional high. Returning to the gym this week I wondered why I had ever left. I just felt soooo good.

4. Using an accurate pedometer I found that my new job keeps me on my feet way more than my old job. (I honestly don't sit down all day long.) I am hitting 10,000-12,000 steps before  even leave work to go to the gym.

Goals for the coming week.

1.  Make sure I am getting 5 fruits and veggies a day.
2. Get 8 cups of water a day.
3. Start doing push-ups every single morning.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A new beginning again...

I've done this every few years now for the past decade. I get really faithful and lose some serious weight, gain some back over the next year or two and get back on a healthier plan. I weigh about fifty or sixty pounds less right now than my highest high about ten years ago. Of the fifty or so that I lost in 2011 I have kept 35 of it off. I'm not starting in a bad place right now.

There are a few things that are going to be more convenient this time around. There are a few extra motivations.

  • I've moved and instead of living 35 miles away from my gym the gym is about two blocks away. Instead of living 40 miles way from fresh veggies and produce I live about 1/2 a mile away.
  • I have more free time now because I no longer have to commute far for work therefore I have more time for exercising.
  • My current job requires me to climb stairs multiple times a day.
  • I'm about to see my family for the first time in a year and half so I would like to be looking good when  go see them and I have just enough time to do that.
  • I'm at a point where I need to balance my life and having a goal outside of work to focus is very needed.

To Do list for today -

  • Make menu for the week
  • Cook some items to have on hand for the week
  • Make a new excel tracker
  • Make a fitness plan
  • Post goals where I can see them - Post reasons for my goals

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I am starting to love running

I’ve sucked at blogging about it, but I have lost all of the holiday weight and am back to where I was before. Sweet victory this morning on the scale!!!
I’m still running, but I am way off of my running plan. I’m only managing to work out about three times a week because my schedule got crazy. I’m going to have to step it up a bit if I am truly planning on a half marathon in June.
I have noticed though that I have really started to like running. I am starting to find that when I get to the track I can hardly make myself walk a warm-up lap. I get there and I WANT to run. This is a breakthrough for me in so many ways. I have never liked running, but it seems that I am starting to LOVE it. Who knew?!

Monday, January 16, 2012

The mind is in charge, the body will follow

I've been thinking about this quote a lot lately.
“You have to make the mind run the body. The body will always give up.  It is always tired morning, noon and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired. You’ve always got to make the mind take over things and keep going.” – George S. Patton

Thursday, January 12, 2012

You didn't know we were racing... Oh...

So… Running. I’m starting to like it. My Dad pointed out, “Kiki… We’re Vikings. We are not built for running…”  I agree, but I’m really not in it to become a superstar runner. I need a Louisiana friendly sport since there is a lack of national parks and mountains.
I am a little competitive brat by nature but I am sneaky competitive. The funny thing is that people who I compete with probably don’t even realize we are competing… The sneaky competitive has started to come out on the track over the last few weeks.
1. If I get to the track at the same as someone else I will stay longer at the track than they stay… I get a ton of personal glee out of staying longer than people who get there after me. (Not that I stay at the track all that long… Like an hour.)
2. I get a huge kick out of lapping people. (In some ways that is so silly, because my glacially slow jog is nothing to brag about… BUT lapping people pushes me.)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Running goals for the next 8 weeks.

I just stumbled onto this page. This is the running program I am going to start next week. It looks totally do-able.